Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day?

A lot of folks celebrate today because they're 'Irish'. Even if they aren't. Because, for true, who's checking out that stuff, anyway?

In our household we never made much of St. Patrick's Day. I was raised a Baptist, so no saints. I have a wee tad of Irish in my background, but the hunk is almost 100% German. And neither of us is really much for drinking, corned beef, or cabbage.

Then something happened to make this day special. At twenty-eight, with three young children, I believed I had a 'tumor'. In a generalized panic, I went off to the doctor. He closely questioned me about my birth control methods (none, as the hunk had a vasectomy years before), and he sent me for an ultrasound.

And that's how I found out on St. Patrick's Day 1978 that I was twenty weeks pregnant with my fourth child. Every year on March 17th I give special thanks for all my children. It seems appropriate, somehow. And far more realistic than green beer and drunken 'Kiss me, I'm Irish' tee-shirts.

So to my children. I love you. I'm so blessed.


1 comment:

  1. What a great story! Happy St. Paddy's Day, Anny! And love to your children too!
